Yesterday I spent the entire day at the Beverly Hills/Greater Los Angeles Board of Realtors for my 3rd annual Professional Standards Training. My position as a panel arbitrator is a volunteer role, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. A handful of times a year, I am called to spend the day in a conference room with 4 of my colleagues (fellow Realtors), along with a complainant, a respondent and each parties' attorneys (should they choose to retain one). The cases that we hear are very interesting and usually involve 2 Realtors, but sometimes they involve a Realtor and a member of the public (a buyer or seller). I have listened to and given my opinion on cases that involve up to several hundred thousand dollars in commissions, although most cases run in the 10's of thousands of dollars. We also listen and decide on cases pertaining to Ethics violations pertaining to the Realtor's code of Ethics. What's great about the annual training is that we spend the day in a room filled with 35 other like minded Realtors who also believe that if we keep doing things in the right way, and continue to hold ourselves to a higher standard when practicing Real Estate, that we can only help push others up to that standard. The meeting also gives us an opportunity to discuss some of our current marketplace challenges and to help each other by sharing information. One of the subjects that came up in today's meeting was disclosures. I remembered having written a blog post about disclosures about 4 years ago called "Dear Seller, disclosures are your best friend" and I thought it would be a good time to repost the link to the article. Of course there were lots of other interesting things that we discussed as well, but I'll have to get to those next time.
Until then, should you have any real estate questions or comments, please feel free to send me an email or call me on my cell. 310-963-7384.